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The Yablo Paradox: An Essay on Circularity, Oxford University Press, 2014. (link)


Key Concepts in Philosophy: Paradoxes. Polity Press, 2013. (link)


Edited Volumes:


LEGO and Philosophy: Constructing Reality Brick by Brick (w/ Sondra Bacharach), Wiley-Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series), Wiley-Blackwell, 2017. (link)


The Routledge Companion to Comics (w/ Aaron Meskin and Frank Bramlett), Routledge, 2016. (link)


The Art of Comics: A Philosophical Approach, (w/ Aaron Meskin), Wiley-Blackwell, 2012 (paperback 2014). (link)


The Arche Papers on the Mathematics of Abstraction (Western Ontario Series in the Philosophy of Science #71), Springer, 2007. (link)


Reference Works:


Dictionary of Philosophical Logic, Edinburgh University Press, 2009. (link)





 Contact me at roycookparadox[at]gmail[dot]com for full cv.

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