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"Possible Predicates and Actual Properties", Synthese (Special Issue: Logics Between First- and Second-order), [forthcoming].


"Cardinality and Acceptable Abstraction" (w/ Øystein Linnebo), Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, [forthcoming].


"Abstraction and Four Kinds of Invariance: Or What’s So Logical About Counting?", Philosophia Mathematica 25(1): (Special Issue: Abstractionism), [2017]: 3 – 25


"Necessity, Necessitism, and Numbers", Philosophical Forum (Special Issue: Williamson, Logic, and Philosophy) [forthcoming]. An earlier version of this paper was published in Proceedings of the International Conference on Williamson, Logic, and Philosophy [2015]: ** - **.


"Embracing Revenge and Logical Consequence", Academics 2 (Special issue: Paradoxes, Logic, and Philosophy) [2017]: 257 – 272. An earlier version of this paper was published in Proceedings of the International Conference on Paradoxes, Logic, and Philosophy [2016]: 367 – 393.




"Frege’s Recipe", (w/ Philip Ebert), Journal of Philosophy 113(7) [2016]: 309 – 345.


"Embracing the Technicalities: Expressive Completeness and Revenge" (w/ Nicholas Tourville), Review of Symbolic Logic 9(2) [2016]: 325 – 358.


"Introduction: Reconsidering Frege’s Conception of Number. Dedicated to the Memory of Aldo Antonelli (1962/2/10 - 2015/10/11)" (w/ Erich Reck), Philosophia Mathematica 24(1) (Special Issue: Reconsidering Frege’s Conception of Number), [2016]: 1 – 8.


"Frege’s Cardinals and Neo-Logicism", Philosophia Mathematica 24(1) (Special Issue: Reconsidering Frege’s Conception of Number), [2016]: 60 – 90.


"Cardinality, Conservativeness, and the Bad Company Objection", Abstractionism, M. Rossberg and P. Ebert (eds.), Oxford University Press, [2016]: 223 – 246.




"Book Symposium: Frege’s Conception of Logic, Patricia Blanchette", Journal for the History of Analytic Philosophy 3(7) (Author meets critics symposium, w/ Marcus Rossberg & Kai Wehmeier) [2015]: 2 – 8.


"The Paradox of Adverbs" (w/ Namjoong Kim), Analysis 75(4) [2015]: 559 – 561.


"Why Study Paradoxes?", The OUPBlog Tenth Anniversary Book: Ten Years of Academic Insights for the Thinking World, Alice Northover (ed.), Oxford University Press, [2015], n.p. (reprint of inaugural post from my Puzzles and Paradoxes blog).


"The Yablo Paradox", Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, B. Dowden (ed.), [2015], online at:




"Priest’s Problem and Non-Injective Pluralism", Philosophical Analysis 15(3) (Special Issue: All-English Issue) [2014]: 183 – 202.


"There is No Paradox of Logical Validity", Logica Universalis 8 (Special Issue: The Scope of Logic Theorems), [2014]: 447 – 467.


"Should Antirealists be Antirealists About Antirealism?" Erkenntnis 79(2) (Special Issue: Monism, Pluralism, and Relativism: New Essays on the Status of Logic), [2014]: 233 – 258.


"Intermediate Logics and Axiomatic Truth", Philosophical Analysis 15(2) [2014]: 1 – 16.


"The Problems with Pluralism", The Proceedings of the Quarterly Meeting of the Korean Society for Analytic Philosophy (KSAP), [2014]: (n.p.).




"Impure Sets are Not Located: A Fregean Argument", Thought 1(3) [2013]: 219 – 229.​


"How to Read Grundgesetze", appendix to: Grundgesetze der Arithmetik, Gottlob Frege (trans Philip Ebert and Marcus Rossberg), Oxford University Press [2013]: A1 – A41.




"Response to My Critics", Analisis Filosophico 32(1) [2012]: 69 – 97.


"The T-schema is a Not a Logical Truth", Analysis 72 [2012]: 231 – 239.


"Conservativeness, Stability, and Abstraction", British Journal of Philosophy of Science 63 [2012]: 673 – 696.


"Universals and Abstract Objects", Continuum Companion to Metaphysics, Robert Barnard and Neil Manson, (eds.), Continuum, [2012]: 67 – 89.




"Alethic Pluralism, Generic Truth, and Mixed Conjunctions", Philosophical Quarterly 61 [2011]: 624 – 629.


"The No-No Paradox Is a Paradox", Australasian Journal of Philosophy 89 [2011]: 467 – 482.


"Vagueness and Meaning Theories", Vagueness: A Guide (Logic, Epistemology and the Unity of Science Vol 19), Guiseppina Ronzitti (ed.), Springer [2011]: 83 – 106.




"Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom: A Tour of Logical Pluralism", Philosophy Compass 5 [2010]: 492 – 504, online at:




"What is a Truth Value, and How Many Are There?", Studia Logica 92 (Special Issue: Truth Values) [2009]: 183 – 201.


"Curry, Yablo, and Duality", Analysis 69, [2009]: 412 – 420.


"Hume’s Big Brother: Counting Concepts and the Bad Company Objection", Synthese 170 (Special Issue: The Bad Company Objection), [2009]: 349 – 369.


"Diagonalization, the Liar Paradox, and the Inconsistency of the Formal System Presented in the Appendix to Frege’s Grundgesetze: Volume II", Proceedings of the 21st International Wittgenstein Symposium, Hannes Leitgeb and Alexander Heike (eds.), Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society [2009]: 273 – 288. An earlier version of this paper was published in the 21st International Wittgenstein Symposium Pre-Proceedings, Alexander Hieke and Hannes Leitgeb (eds.), Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society [2008]: 47 – 49.


"New Waves on an Old Beach: Fregean Philosophy of Mathematics Today", New Waves in Philosophy of Mathematics, Øystein Linnebo and Otavio Bueno (eds.), Ashgate [2009]: 13 – 34.




"P is True and Non-Cartesian is Non-Cartesian", Analysis 68 [2008]: 183 – 185.


"Embracing Revenge: On the Indefinite Extensibility of Language", Revenge of the Liar, Jc Beall (ed.), Oxford University Press, [2008]: 31 – 52.




"Introduction", The Arche Papers on the Mathematics of Abstraction, Roy Cook (ed.), Springer, [2007]: xv – xxxvii.




"There Are Non-circular Paradoxes (But Yablo’s Isn’t One of Them)", The Monist 89 (Special Issue: Truth), [2006]: 118 – 149.


"Knights, Knaves, and Unknowable Truths", Analysis 66 [2006]: 10 – 16.


"Infinity in Mathematics and Philosophy", The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2nd ed. Donald Borchert (ed.), MacMillan [2006]: 654 – 667.




"Abstraction and Identity" (w/ Philip Ebert), Dialectica 59 (Special Issue: The Caesar Problem), [2005]: 121 – 139.


"Inverted Space: Minimal Verificationism, Propositional Attitudes, and Compositionality" (w/ Jon Cogburn), Philosophia 32 [2005]: 73 – 92.


"What’s Wrong with Tonk(?)", Journal of Philosophical Logic 34 [2005]: 217 – 226.


"Clarifying the Logic of Clear Cases", Issues on Vagueness, Sebastiano Moruzzi and Andrea Sereni (eds.), Il Poligrafo [2005]: 75 – 104.


"Intuitionism Reconsidered", The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic, Stewart Shapiro (ed.), Oxford University Press [2005]: 387 – 411.




"Patterns of Paradox", Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 [2004]: 767 – 774.




"Iteration One More Time", Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 44 [2003]: 63 – 92, reprinted in The Arche Papers on the Mathematics of Abstraction, R. Cook (ed.), Springer, [2007]: 421 – 454.


"Still Counterintuitive: A Reply to Kremer", Analysis 63 [2003]: 257 – 261.


"Aristotelian Logic, Axioms, and Abstraction", Philosophia Mathematica 11 [2003]: 195 – 202, reprinted in The Arche Papers on the Mathematics of Abstraction, R. Cook (ed.), Springer, [2007]: 147 – 153.


"God, the Devil, and Godel’s Other Proof", Logica Yearbook 2003, L. Behounek, (ed.), Filosophia Press [2003]: 97 – 109.




"Vagueness and Mathematical Precision", Mind 111 [2002]: 227 – 247.


"Counterintuitive Consequences of the Revision Theory of Truth", Analysis 62 [2002]: 16 – 22.


"Curing the Liar Syndrome", Satz: The Nordic Journal of Philosophy 3 [2002]: 126 – 141.


"Patterns of Paradox: Paradox and Parity", Logica Yearbook 2002, Timothy Childers and Ondrej Majer, (eds.), Filosophia Press [2002]: 69 – 83.




"The State of the Economy: Neo-logicism and Inflation", Philosophia Mathematica 10 [2001]: 43 – 66, reprinted in The Arche Papers on the Mathematics of Abstraction, R. Cook (ed.), Springer, [2007]: 197 – 218.


"Monads and Mathematics: The Logic of Leibniz’s Mereology", Studia Leibnitiana 32 [2000]: 1 – 19.


"Vindicating Leibniz – The Use of Formal Logic in the History of Science and Mathematics", Proceedings of a Congress on Formal and Empirical Theories, Jose Saguillo, Jose Falguera, and Concha Martinez, (eds.) Universidade de Santiago de Compostela [2001]: 373 – 387.




"What Negation is Not: Intuitionism and ‘0 = 1’" (w/ Jon Cogburn), Analysis 60 [2000]: 5 – 12.



Papers: Logic and Math


 Contact me at roycookparadox[at]gmail[dot]com for full cv.

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