Roy T Cook
Philosopher, Logician, Comics Scholar, LEGO Artist
"Narrative, Time Travel, and Richard McGuire’s '"Here'", Visions of the Future in Comics: International Perspectives, A. Mahmutovic, & F. Ursini (eds.), MacFarland, [forthcoming].
"Introduction", (w/ Sondra Bacharach), LEGO and Philosophy: Constructing Reality Brick by Brick (Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series), Wiley-Blackwell, [forthcoming].
"LEGO Ninjas, Kobe Bryant, and Yellow Plastic: The LEGO Minifigure and Race", LEGO and Philosophy: Constructing Reality Brick by Brick (Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series), Wiley-Blackwell, [forthcoming].
"Glossary", (w/ Alice Leber-Cook), LEGO and Philosophy: Constructing Reality Brick by Brick (Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series), Wiley-Blackwell, [forthcoming].
"Golden Lassos and Logical Paradoxes", (w/ Nathan Kellen), Wonder Woman and Philosophy: The Amazonian Mystique (Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series), Jacob Held (ed.) [forthcoming].
"Saying, Showing, and Schulz: The Typography and Notation of Peanuts", The Comics of Charles Schulz: The Good Grief of Modern Life, Jared Gardner & Ian Gordon (eds.).
"Introduction", (w/ Aaron Meskin & Frank Bramlett), Routledge Companion to Comics, Roy Cook, Aaron Meskin, & Frank Bramlett (eds.), [2016]: 1 – 5
"Underground and Alternative Comics", Routledge Companion to Comics, Roy Cook, Aaron Meskin, & Frank Bramlett (eds.), [2016]: 34 – 43
"Metafiction in Comics", Routledge Companion to Comics, Roy Cook, Aaron Meskin, & Frank Bramlett (eds.), [2016]: 257 – 266.
"Gospel, Gossip, and Ghent: How Should We Understand the New Star Wars?", (w/ Nathan Kellen) The Ultimate Star Wars and Philosophy: You Must Unlearn What You Have Learned (Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series), Jason Eberl & Kevin Decker (eds.), Wiley-Blackwell, [2016]: 296 – 307.
"Metafictional Powers in the Postmodern Age: Jennifer Walters, Canon, and the Nature of Superpowers", The Ages of the Incredible Hulk: Essays on the Green Goliath in Changing Times, Joseph Darowski (ed.), McFarland [2016]: 136 – 155.
"Judging a Comic by its Cover: Marvel Comics, Photo-covers, and the Objectivity of Photography", Image and Narrative 16(2) (Special Issue: The Narrative Functions of Photography in Comics) [2015]: 14 – 27.
"Morrison, Magic, and Visualizing the Word: Text as Image in Vimanarama", ImageText 8(2) (Special Issue: Which Side are You On? The Worlds of Grant Morrison), [2015], online at:
"Comics, Prints, and Multiplicity" (w/ Aaron Meskin), Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 73(1) (Special Issue: Printmaking), [2015]: 57 – 67.
"The Writer and The Writer: The Death of the Author in Suicide Squad #58", Grant Morrison and the Superhero Renaissance: Critical Essays, Kate Roddy and Darragh Greene (eds.), MacFarland and Co., [2015]: 64 – 81
"Does the Joker have Six-Inch Teeth?", The Joker: A Serious Study of the Clown Prince of Crime, Robert Weiner and Robert Peaslee (eds.), University Press of Mississippi, [2015]: 19 – 32
"Jumping Rope Naked: John Byrne, Metafiction, and the Comics Code", Heroines of Comic Books and Literature: Portrayals in Popular Culture, Bob Batchelor, Maja Bajac-Carter, and Norma Jones (eds.), Rowman & Littlefield [2014]: 185 – 198.
"Canonicity and Normativity in Massive Collaborative Serialized Fiction", Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 71(3) (three-part symposium on serial art, w/ Christy Mag Uidhir and Henry Pratt) [2013]: 271 – 276.
"Stigmatization, Multimodality, and Metaphor: Comics in the Adult English as a Foreign Language Classroom" (w/ Alice Leber-Cook), Graphic Novels and Comics in the Classroom: Essays on the Educational Power of Sequential Art, Robert Weiner and Carrye Syma (eds.), McFarland and Co. [2013]: 23 – 34.
"Art, Open-endedness, and Indefinite Extensibility", Art and Abstract Objects, Christy Mag Uidhir, (ed.), Oxford University Press [2013]: 87 – 107.
"Schulz, Peanuts, and Metafiction", International Journal of Comic Art 14(1) [2012]: 66 – 92.
​"Drawings of Photographs in Comics", Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 70 (Special Issue: Photography) [2012]: 129 – 138.
"I am Made of Ink: The She-Hulk and Metacomics", Avengers and Philosophy: Earth's Mightiest Thinkers, (Blackwell Popular Culture and Philosophy Series), M. White (ed.), Wiley-Blackwell [2012]: 57 – 70.
"Why Comics are Not Films: Non-Standard Uses of Standard Conditions for Art Forms", The Art of Comics: A Philosophical Approach, Roy Cook and Aaron Meskin (eds.), Wiley-Blackwell, [2012]: 165 – 187.
"Introduction" (w/ Aaron Meskin), The Art of Comics: A Philosophical Approach, Roy Cook and Aaron Meskin (eds.), Wiley-Blackwell, [2012]: xiv – xli.
"Comics Without Pictures, or Why Batman #663 is a Comic", Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 69 [2011]: 285 – 296.